Friday, March 30, 2012

Hi I'm Lindsay (Introduction)

A little late is better than never, right?  I'm Lindsay and I live in Michigan. Never thought we would end up in the ghetto..ahem Detroit, but here we are and we are actually loving life. I have a 18 month old baby girl, Brynna. Our world revolves around her smiles, laughs and anything else that she does. My husband Greg and I have been married 4 years this next month. He is currently working at Ford Corporate (in Purchasing). We met at BYU, dated for a year and got married in the SLC temple. We just bought a 1940's house so my life consists of fixing it up for cheap (thank you pinterest) and taking care of my baby girl all day. I love cleaning (probably a little too much) and taking trips to the DI/Salvation Army/any other place that will take my crud, no questions asked. I love simplicity, organized cupboards, and buying food in bulk. My husband is the healthiest eater I know and can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Although this sounds strange/mean, we are enjoying doing our own thing as a little family out here in Michigan (our extended family is all out west). We love our new ward and the friends we have made here.

 Here is my little bundle o' joy in all her walking, talking, (finally) teething-ness.

And because I am lame, here is a "recent" pic from Christmas of our little fam. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Act- ask, seek, and knock

I've loved reading all of your comments. It has really made the o'l wheels in my head start a turn'n.

This whole discussion made me think back to a lesson I learned from attending a Q&A session with Elder Bednar a few years back. What I learned has completely changed my (and my husbands) approach to scripture study. Elder Bednar frequently speaks of the concept, "asking, seeking, and knocking." He spoke of it in this session and has sense spoke of it in conference. He expressed: 

Worldly influences would hinder use of our agency afforded through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  But we are agents who can act, and that affects everything in terms of how we live the gospel in our daily lives. It affects how we pray, how we study the scriptures, how we worship at church. There is a difference when one goes to a sacrament meeting essentially as an object waiting to be acted upon—‘Feed me, give me something’—as opposed to worshiping in sacrament meeting as an agent where you are acting—asking, seeking, and knocking.

As he explained this concept He encouraged us to take our personal questions to the Lord and study the scriptures to find the answers.  He promised we would receive the answers we needed. 

My husband and I decided to take his challenge. It was during a particularly hard time when we were dealing with a lot of difficult questions. Each night before our couple scripture study we would think of a question we wanted answered. Some were simple such as, "How can we develop greater love for others?" or "What can we do to reduce our stress" and others were more direct such as, "How will we know what graduate school to attend?" We then proceeded to read our chapter in the Book of Mormon like normal. Then after we finished we took turns explaining what answers jumped out to us. Sometimes we came up with the same things, but more often than not, we saw two different answers. My husband is able to see so many things I'm not and visa versa. The amazing thing is that we received the answer we were looking for every singe time! It was amazing! It would spur further discussion and help us apply the scriptures directly into our lives. 

Life happens and we stopped doing that- but all your comments on the blog have prompted me to begin that way of studying again. We can have an amazing gospel discussion in 5-10 minutes. I know we should probably be spending more time, but extra time is hard to come by these days and we've found that this type of study for 10 minutes is far better than just simply reading for 30 minutes. We feel the spirit every single time! I'm sure some of you already study this way, but it has opened a whole new world for us :)  

Again referencing Elder Bednar, I recently read the conference talk he gave 2 years ago about raising children. It applies perfectly to this topic. He talks about 3 ways to raise children in this crazy world 1- Reading and talking about the Book of Mormon (which ya'll mentioned. Angela I love your idea of making this type of discussion less formal. It goes right along with what he said next...) 2. Bear testimony spontaneously, and 3. Inviting children to act (which is basically using the approach I mentioned above with your children. Our babes are probably a little young for that- but wouldn't it be awesome to have FHE in the future where all your kids gather around with questions and you spend the evening searching the scriptures together?). I know you guys all have oodles of time and can read to your hearts content (insert sarcasm) but if any of you get a free second and want to read his address again, you can find it HERE

Wow that was super long winded! I promise not to be so long in the future!

Thanks for all your comments and ideas. 

Just a part of life

Sorry I've been kinda absent in the chatter but I'm enjoying all your posts and comments. And I really, really enjoyed this first lesson. The quotes and examples they give (especially that table with the weekly theme) are fantastic. What struck me most and what I've been working on this week is the ideas I had when reading this scripture:

"And thou shalt teach [the commandments of God]
diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when
thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the
way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up"
(Deuteronomy 6:7)

The Gospel isn't my "religion" per se, with designated times and sections of my life. It's just a part of everyday life; something I can tell is the same for each of you. So I've been trying to just chat about the Gospel and scripture stories more throughout the day. You know, tell the Joseph Smith story when sitting on the couch, or about Nephi while driving in the car, or ask Justin what he thinks about something I've been reading, or just simply saying to Wally, "He's a child of God too" while walking past somebody.

I grew up in a home where Gospel discussion felt too formal for me at times; I still cringe at formal, sit-down and talk about our deepest testimony and Gospel questions. (I'm immature) So I tend to try at make things a little more natural. It's a balance though that I'm trying to figure out, especially in terms of couple scripture study. So I'm learning from what all y'all are sharing. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Scripture Friends

I love this painting by Liz Lemon Swindle.
 I love that it depicts this little guy in awe of Nephi. He is REAL to him, and don't they just look like friends? This is how I want my kids to feel about the scriptures. I want them to know stories and people better than they know cartoon characters. I want them to talk and ask questions about them. I want them to ask to read the scriptures.

In preparation for this, I need to know the stories and the people.  I need to talk and ask questions, and love to read.  I felt like I had a better grasp of this on my mission, but then spending 2 hours studying daily would do that.

 In case you are wondering, I don't have 2 hours a day to do that anymore.

Cody and I are pretty good at reading nightly. Discussing scriptures in depth or outside of reading is another story. I want to change this. I've been pondering whether mornings may be a better way to get a good discussion and reading in for us, rather than cramming it right before bed. I want to ponder and really pull things out of the scriptures that I can apply. Maybe studying by topic would be a good way to do that. To pick a topic a week (or longer, depending on how deep you want to go) and then dive in. I loved the examples they listed in the reading. What great ways to include children and to be more effective at studying the scriptures ourselves. 

I must say, I have felt the strong prompting to make sure we are keeping up with these things. I can't help but think it goes hand in hand with what President Packer said, "The older generation has been raised without them, but there is another generation growing up. The revelations will be opened to them as to no other in the history of the world. Into their hands now are placed the sticks of Joseph and of Judah. They will develop a gospel scholarship beyond that which their forebears could achieve. They will have the testimony that Jesus is the Christ and be competent to proclaim Him and to defend Him" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1982, p. 75; or Ensign, Nov. 1982, p. 53). 

Cody and I have to work so this happens in our home.  When my children have a strong foundation of the scriptures and of their Savior and are competent to proclaim and defend him, I will feel that I have done my job.


With Marissa's patience in helping me, I finally made it! She's been an awesome visiting teacher and friend, and I'm so excited to be a part of this group. Thank you for putting this together!

Well, here I am - my name is Jessi Nelson. I love to read (if you are looking for some good books, I just finished: The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom  and Yearning for the Living God by F. Enzio Buche. Both are phenomenal). I graduated from BYU-I in Visual Art, so I love graphic design, painting (though, I'm not fabulous at it), making posters for events, and creating fun things for our house (though the downside is, while I love creating, I'm never quite sure where to put it/hang it/hide it - like the super ugly ceramic bowls I worked really hard on in college, but don't yet have the heart to put them out or throw them away). I minored in Dance and Home and Family Studies. My husband, Cody and I are living in Omaha with our 6 month old daughter, Emma. Cody is currently finishing his first year in the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program at Creighton and doing a fabulous job. I'm really blessed to have such a hard worker as my side-kick in life.


He puts up with my shenanigans.

 A few examples just to illustrate:

 - The Home and Garden show
I sweet talked him into this. You see, we don't own a home, but I thought it would be awesome! You know, get out, look at some cool home/garden things, dream of the future home?  . . . It was uber lame. Lots of siding. BUT the saving factor?  They had a wild animal show (...because every home should have a wild animal??) and I got to hold a Kinkajou from South America! Sure beats studying on a Saturday, right, honey?

- I love to make up random songs to sing to Emma. I sing them all the time. Often I change primary songs to include her name, our names, etc.

- My desire to invent new (and sometimes interesting) meals for dinner. He is so good to try everything and tells me honestly what he thinks. Multiple versions of Butternut Squash Soup in one day was quite the adventure... though, a story for another time.

All joking aside - he really is my better half. He's kind, patient, smart, an amazing dad, and best of all he loves the Lord. I am really blessed to have him for the rest of forever!


In lieu of the previous chocolate discussion....

Scripture Study

When Jake and I became engaged, so, December of 2009, we decided that we wanted to lay the foundation of companionship scripture study and prayer.  Each night, before we went home to separate houses, we would read in the Book of Mormon (Sometimes, since he went to school in Logan, we'd just do it over the phone or that blasted Skype).  Then we'd kneel in prayer, he took the odd days, I took the even days.  Like Marisa's family, mine was never really great at family scripture study or family prayer for that matter, so the fact that Jake was persistent in helping us remember meant, and still means, a great deal to me.

Once we got married, since we'd been in the habit of praying and reading together already, the habit stuck.  We did fairly well until our little Lucy came along.  That made things a little bit more of a challenge, because our schedule, routine, everything was thrown off.  We tried to remember to read, but it didn't happen as often as we would've liked.  Jake suggested we read each night in bed before we went to sleep.  Thank worked ok for like 2 days, and then he discovered that he'd read, and I'd fall asleep (I'm NOT a night person.  Lucy goes to bed around 7, I go to bed around 8:30...and I love it). So he came up with the idea of "Feeding time is reading time."  He would read to Lucy and I while I nursed her right before bed.  That worked out great because Lucy was being exposed to the scriptures, I didn't fall asleep, and every once in a while, especially during the war chapters of the Book of Mormon, Jake acts it out as he reads it. Now, since Lucy is on a bottle, we take turns reading/feeding every other night.

Long story short...we're consistent at READING the scriptures, but not necessarily APPLYING the scriptures to our lives.  I adapted the goal a little bit this week to not simply reading, but discussing it after we read.  Typically we put Lucy down to bed before any discussion happens, but I've really liked it so far.  Jake has such great insights and I learn so much from him.  Its been kind of interesting to see, simply over the last few days, how much more I think about what we've read throughout the next day.  Another thing I'd like to work on is reading the other books of scripture.  We've finished the Book of Mormon 4 times, and have studying the other books on our own and talked about it a little, but it'd be neat to learn more from the scriptures and from Jake.

I learned something from the dearest ANGELA PAULSEN that she most likely won't post on here.  We visited them last year when Wally was about 18 months or so.  Right after dinner, an alarm would go off on their cell phone.  Ange and Justin would start to sing "Book of Mormon Stories" and Wally, most often, would stop whatever he was doing and sing the song with them.  He knew it was time for scripture study.  Justin would then read a bit out of the Book of Mormon.  Of course, Wally didn't always pay complete attention, but he was learning.  I LOVE THAT!!!  With or without permission Ange, I'm using that idea.  Thanks for the great example!!!!

So far so Good!!

I just have to report that two days into this week and we're 2 for 2 for couple scripture study! I know there's 5 days left, but hey, we're almost half way there! My husband and I tried to decide on a time that we could commit to...and we just couldn't. That's our biggest struggle (as I mentioned in my comment to Marisa's post)..and we're still working on it.

But, as a reward of doing it the past two nights, we were blessed to read Matthew 26, all about the Savior's time leading up to the Garden and his experience and suffering there. Yesterday we watched the Bible video portraying this event (which was really good), so reading it together tonight, slowly, and picturing the movie and feeling the emotion and the spirit bear witness of the reality and significance of the event was so rewarding for us. So, even with only two days down, we're already enjoying the blessings of reading our scriptures together. :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Greetings from Iowa

I never know what to put in introductions. If I put too little, I sound uber-boring and it's hard to remember me; if I put too much, I sound very self-absorbed and it's hard to forget me. So, hopefully I strike somewhere in the middle!

Here we are just a few weeks ago at the zoo!

My name is Amber and my husband Justin and I live in Iowa while he goes to dental school. We just started, so we're here for at least 3 more years! When he's busy at school or busy studying, I'm entertained by our two children: Caleb and Mackenzie. Caleb is 2 1/2 years old and loves trucks, diggers, tractors, trains, planes, and lately popcorn trees; Mackenzie just turned 10 months on Sunday and has just started pulling herself up to stand. She loves FOOD. That about covers her!! Well, I guess she loves her brothers cars, too.
Justin is the perfect man for me--a blend of fun, diligence, and just a smidge of sarcasm. We enjoy playing games together, reading together, and yes, we've gotten sucked into Lost; but with the regime of dental school it seems lots of hobbies and habits have been put on hold.

As for me, I'm a mom. Not a woman, mind you, a Mom. Caleb told me so. I love it but there's so much to learn!! I'm hoping this Motherhood challenge will give me the kick in the pants I need to keep improving! And I'm so excited to get to know more cool gals all over the place! Y'all sound great!

Family Scripture Study Confession

Is this not the sweetest picture ever? Danny loves this picture, it reminds him of his 
dad and hopes to have many moments like this with our son. Love it!

I have a of the things that I have struggled with since Danny and I got married is having family scripture study.

As you all have learned since being married is that you and your husband come from different homes. You each were raised differently. Unfortunately, family scripture study wasn't something we did on a daily basis in my home. Danny's family however was very diligent in family scripture study (which I am so grateful for).

With family scripture study having been an important part of his growing up years Danny has worked hard to implement this practice in our home. The road hasn't been an easy one.

First, Danny and I are completely opposite when it comes to our peak alertness time of the day. Danny is wide eyed and bushy tailed at the crack of dawn and I look and usually feel like death. I am peppy and talkative as things settle down in the evening and Danny is maxed out.

As you can see, this poses a bit of a problem when it comes to the timing of our scripture study and each of us feeling ready to study the scriptures. Then you throw a baby into that mix and things just get even more complicated.

Lately we have been doing much better at reading as a family before we put Gavin to bed, around 7:30. This has been working pretty well and I am grateful for that. After reading the lesson today, I wonder if until Gavin gets a little older, if Danny and I should keep reading together as a couple so that we can get a little more out of our study (you all know that 80% of the time one of us isn't getting a whole lot out of scripture study because we are on baby duty).

What do you guys think? How do you do family/couple scripture study at your house? When do you do it?  I would love to hear your ideas.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's Sunny! oh and I'm Angela

First off, it's sunny today. Dance! Run! Skip! Jump! and squint. Isn't the sun so enabling! Second, hi, I'm Angela and I live in Seattle. It's true what they say, "it rains nine months out of the year." But that's ok, we all have good days and bad days right?

Anyway, I'm really excited for this challenge. Somehow Marisa must have known that I was ready for more intentional mothering. I feel like I'm coming out of a dark, 11-month-long cloud. And like I said, it's sunny! Adele, my daughter, was born April 4th last year (yay for April babies, right Marisa and Janel?). Well Adele is beautiful (see below) and she also didn't sleep for longer than 3-4 hour stretches (on good nights) up until a few weeks ago. Then I got an awful case of mastitis and suddenly Adele refused to nurse, still refused a bottle, moved to a sippy cup and voila! She sleeps 11 hours night. Miracles are fantastic. Annnnyway, I share this to say that I'm excited to move from survival to thriving.

So here's us:
Excuse the Christmas thank-you card, the one I never quite sent out
We've lived in Seattle for a year and half now. My husband Justin is doing a double masters program at University of Washington--an MPA and Russian MA. He's awesome and we like each other. I have two little friends, Wally and Adele. We hang out. Wally is two and half and loves words, people, and cookies. Adele is more introverted, observing, beautiful, and a tease. I feel very lucky to be at home and work the home-front of our family business. Excited to learn from you all and this course; especially on things like being intentional, creative, organized, and disciplined.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hi, My Name Is Brittney...

...and I'm a mother.  A play at home mother of a beautiful, bouncing (quite literally) baby girl named Lucy, who, I'm happy to report, is STILL ALIVE!!!  We've managed to keep her alive for almost 7 months now (which is impressive considering that even my gold fish, whom I cared for quite vigilantly, only lasted 6.  7 is a new record!)  I promise I treat my daughter better than I did my fish.
I am the wife of the world's most handsome, charming, goofy and AMAZING husband, Jake.  How I even convinced him that I was worthy of him is still beyond me.  He's an Electrical Engineer at Hill Air Force Base, but works in a high security, top secret unit (I know right?  Totally cool.  Its like I live in a husband even has to be debriefed before leaving, and upon returning to the USA).  Ok, so that makes it sound a little more awesome than it is.  He works on programming for the F-16.  Even if he told me more than that, I probably wouldn't understand.  My Pediatric Nurse brain and his Engineer brain often don't understand each other.  Perhaps that's why we're so happy with one another, simply because neither of us has any idea what is going on.  I'm grateful for him.  He makes me laugh every single day and is truly the rock I lean on.
I'm super excited for this little challenge.  I know that throughout the church we're told not to engage in "virtual worlds" and to make our interaction with real people...BUT!  I know some of you, and I'm learning (already) from you all.  Sometimes we just need a little interaction! (Especially in a neighborhood where the average age is 50...its nice to chat with other young mothers!)  So anyway, I'm excited to get to know you all a little better and glean from your wisdom :-)

P.S.  I promise not to be so long winded every post.  :-)

Intro to Rachel

Oh my goodness- I think I feel a swarm of butterflies fluttering inside my stomach (butterflies come in swarms right? A herd? A colony?) I feel giddy about having a new group of mums to interact with each week! Thank you Marisa for organizing this blog, I can always count on you to bring some muchly needed organization into my life.

Here is a little bit about me and my life as I know it.

I'm a mum. That pretty well sums it up. Lots of slobbery kisses, early morning feedings, tickle attacks, walks to the park, snuggle bugs, nursing breaks, and poopy diapers (all things your familiar with). I LOVE my life. I also love photography, travelling/sightseeing, pinterest, dark chocolate kit-kats, blog-stalking, debating controversial issues, and studying health related topics. My somewhat crazy and probably overly ambitious "wahoo I'm awesome" dream is to get my Ph.D. (What's 4 more years, right?) And I'm a Mormon (ha ha just kidding, it just kind of felt like I was making one of those Mormon messages, you know the ones... "I'm a acrobat...a doctor...and I'm a Mormon")

Three things you should know- first my biggest pet peeve is when people feed the ugly pigeons right in the middle of the walking path (NO ONE likes to walk through a swarm of smelly, dirty, germ ridden, rats with wings). Second I am a huge germ freak (didn't use to be, something about being a mum has brought out the OCD in me). And third I am the worst speller in the world (so please excuse any British style spelling, spell check went British on me when we moved here).

Enough about me- I was lucky enough to marry the coolest kid on the block. He is a football love'n, long days study'n, incredibly hard work'n, happiness give'n kind of guy who fills my life with so much love and excitement. He is currently a student at the London School of Economics where he is working his face off to get his Masters in Real Estate Economic and Finance. He's the smartest cookie I know. As I'm sure you've figured out, we are currently living in London.

My little puppet and I get to spend a lot of time together while dad is busy studying. Speaking of my little puppet, he is 7 months old but most people think he's much older because he is such a chunker! His name is Crosby and we are so happy he is in our lives.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Intro to Janel

Here is my family!!
My name is Janel. I also live in Omaha, Nebraska. I am lucky to be in the same ward as Marisa:) My husband and I moved to Omaha over a year ago. My husband works for Union Pacific Railroad. (I laughed out loud when he said that he was going to apply to a railroad company. Apparently, railroads are still in business and doing well.)

I am a stay-at-home mom with the cutest little boy in the world named Bronson. He will be turning one shortly. I like to grow vegetable gardens and play the piano (when my son lets me). I also would like to confess my chocoholism. One random fact, is that I am 6' tall and my husband is 6' 7'' tall. No, I don't play basketball (although my husband does).

I am excited to get to know all of you better. Thanks to Marisa for organizing this!


Hey everyone! Welcome to MotherEdu!

I am so excited all of you chose to participate in this little "challenge." I am excited for the things that I know I will learn from each of you. It is my hope that we each will gain something wonderful from doing this all together.

I have asked each of you to get on an introduce yourself or for us that are already acquainted simply to give others an update on your life as it stands right now.

Although you all know me I am going to go ahead and "introduce" myself anyway...

Sorry not the greatest pic but it is one of the few that we have of all three of us together.

My name is Marisa and I am living in Omaha, Nebraska while my husband goes to law school. I am indeed a law school widow 80% of the week but I have an awesome husband who makes our 20% together totally awesome! We have an almost one year old (crazy!), Mr. Gavin and he is an absolute joy (except when he is teething, and even then I still love him).

I love chocolate and pretty much anything sweet. My husband is positive that I am addicted and I afraid he may be right. I am slightly OCD in certain areas of my life but in my case it helps me keep a fairly uncluttered home. BONUS!

You all are women I admire and look up to and I am so excited to learn from you through this challenge. I hope you are ready to be spiritually uplifted and your lives made better through the gospel of Jesus Christ.