Thursday, March 22, 2012


Hey everyone! Welcome to MotherEdu!

I am so excited all of you chose to participate in this little "challenge." I am excited for the things that I know I will learn from each of you. It is my hope that we each will gain something wonderful from doing this all together.

I have asked each of you to get on an introduce yourself or for us that are already acquainted simply to give others an update on your life as it stands right now.

Although you all know me I am going to go ahead and "introduce" myself anyway...

Sorry not the greatest pic but it is one of the few that we have of all three of us together.

My name is Marisa and I am living in Omaha, Nebraska while my husband goes to law school. I am indeed a law school widow 80% of the week but I have an awesome husband who makes our 20% together totally awesome! We have an almost one year old (crazy!), Mr. Gavin and he is an absolute joy (except when he is teething, and even then I still love him).

I love chocolate and pretty much anything sweet. My husband is positive that I am addicted and I afraid he may be right. I am slightly OCD in certain areas of my life but in my case it helps me keep a fairly uncluttered home. BONUS!

You all are women I admire and look up to and I am so excited to learn from you through this challenge. I hope you are ready to be spiritually uplifted and your lives made better through the gospel of Jesus Christ.


  1. I didn't know you were a chocoholic. And Janel too? We should start a support group; although, I'm not sure I want to recover. Anyway, I think you're great and thanks so much for setting this up!

    1. Oh my we should so start a support group but NOT for recovery...bc I am almost positive I do not want to recover. Me without chocolate is a person that no one wants to see.

  2. Thanks for setting this up! I'm excited. I always seem more motivated and learn more if other people are in it with me. You're OCD? I never knew...ha ha ha ;-)

    1. I can see right through your sarcasm Brittney...what in heavens name gave me away?? LOL! :D

  3. Ha ha ha Marisa- never again will I make fun of you for having OCD (okay, that might have been a little too bold. I'll probably still make fun of you....but with full empathy). I have developed a terrible case of the OCDs. Only instead of having the upside (a clean house) I just have a really annoyed husband (oh and extremely dry hands from washing them about a million times). I'm an official germ freak! Help!

    1. I am going to print this off and show it to you every time you are making fun of me (bc we only talk via Skype now, so I have that luxury). I think I might enjoy this empathy that you are gaining. Life is hard in the OCD world...I can feel your pain.

  4. Attention chocolate lovers - Janel has the most INCREDIBLE hot fudge recipe. Let's just say she left a bit at my house, that never made it onto ice cream. It was amazing! Just thought I'd fill you in! =) And Marissa, Thank you for putting this together, I think it's going to be a really great experience!
