Monday, March 26, 2012

Family Scripture Study Confession

Is this not the sweetest picture ever? Danny loves this picture, it reminds him of his 
dad and hopes to have many moments like this with our son. Love it!

I have a of the things that I have struggled with since Danny and I got married is having family scripture study.

As you all have learned since being married is that you and your husband come from different homes. You each were raised differently. Unfortunately, family scripture study wasn't something we did on a daily basis in my home. Danny's family however was very diligent in family scripture study (which I am so grateful for).

With family scripture study having been an important part of his growing up years Danny has worked hard to implement this practice in our home. The road hasn't been an easy one.

First, Danny and I are completely opposite when it comes to our peak alertness time of the day. Danny is wide eyed and bushy tailed at the crack of dawn and I look and usually feel like death. I am peppy and talkative as things settle down in the evening and Danny is maxed out.

As you can see, this poses a bit of a problem when it comes to the timing of our scripture study and each of us feeling ready to study the scriptures. Then you throw a baby into that mix and things just get even more complicated.

Lately we have been doing much better at reading as a family before we put Gavin to bed, around 7:30. This has been working pretty well and I am grateful for that. After reading the lesson today, I wonder if until Gavin gets a little older, if Danny and I should keep reading together as a couple so that we can get a little more out of our study (you all know that 80% of the time one of us isn't getting a whole lot out of scripture study because we are on baby duty).

What do you guys think? How do you do family/couple scripture study at your house? When do you do it?  I would love to hear your ideas.


  1. Jake and I do scripture study with Lucy right before we put her to bed too. One of us reads while the other feeds her when its bedtime. That way she's relatively calm and we can both listen. It was Jake's idea because he felt like if we exposed her to the scriptures each night, she would begin early to develop a love for them...and it helps us stay in the habit because we know, "feeding time is reading time."

  2. Cody and I read in bed pretty much nightly... BUT our bump in the road is that I don't feel like either of us are really getting a TON out of it, because by the time we get Emma to sleep, get ready for bed, chat a little, and actually read, we're both so exhausted that we quickly read a page or two and we're out. There is occasional review and talking about what we're reading, but not consistently. I'd really like to DIG IN with Cody more - he has great insights that I often don't think of. PLUS, with him in school, it's an excuse to have a really deep conversation between us.

  3. Justin and I read with Caleb right before bed, but it's just in the Book of Mormon Stories book...I'd really like to get him exposed to more scripture language, so I started reading the Bible (New Testament) with him and Mackenzie in the morning, usually right before we head out for errands. Unfortunately, because it IS right before errands or activities, on weekends, it doesn't happen that regularly.
    I'd also really like to enhance my and Justin's couple reading time. We don't have a set time, because sometimes he's gone by 6:30a.m. (I'm still teaching English), and not back until 8p.m. or 9p.m....and then he has to study. So we have had a hard time getting a "scheduled" time in: before bed? before breakfast? our (his) schedules vary so much it's hard. Sometimes we only get a verse or two in...and lately we haven't been getting it all. I really want to do better with it. Thanks for the push!

  4. Phil and I have been consistently reading scriptures together right before we go to bed. Like Jessica said--getting a lot out of it can sometimes be a challenge. We each take turns reading two versus out loud. Afterwards, we each say one thing we learned. This is supposed to help us focus and get something out of it. I am not going to lie that my comments are a little bit of a stretch sometimes. We actually just talked tonight about trying to get our reading done earlier in the evening (instead of 11:30 pm). We will see how it goes. I think being mostly awake will help us out.

    Bronson's scripture time is currently out of President Hinckley daily reading book "Stand a Little Taller". I don't think he gets anything out of it, but at least it helps us stay consistent. I am usually reading it to him while he is running around the house causing chaos. I like that Amber uses the Book of Mormon Stories book-- I think pictures could be a bonus with Bronson. I loved the idea of "feeding time is reading time". Maybe reading to him while he is trapped in his high chair would be a good thing. . .
