Friday, March 30, 2012

Hi I'm Lindsay (Introduction)

A little late is better than never, right?  I'm Lindsay and I live in Michigan. Never thought we would end up in the ghetto..ahem Detroit, but here we are and we are actually loving life. I have a 18 month old baby girl, Brynna. Our world revolves around her smiles, laughs and anything else that she does. My husband Greg and I have been married 4 years this next month. He is currently working at Ford Corporate (in Purchasing). We met at BYU, dated for a year and got married in the SLC temple. We just bought a 1940's house so my life consists of fixing it up for cheap (thank you pinterest) and taking care of my baby girl all day. I love cleaning (probably a little too much) and taking trips to the DI/Salvation Army/any other place that will take my crud, no questions asked. I love simplicity, organized cupboards, and buying food in bulk. My husband is the healthiest eater I know and can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Although this sounds strange/mean, we are enjoying doing our own thing as a little family out here in Michigan (our extended family is all out west). We love our new ward and the friends we have made here.

 Here is my little bundle o' joy in all her walking, talking, (finally) teething-ness.

And because I am lame, here is a "recent" pic from Christmas of our little fam. 


  1. Oh my you all are so cute! I think we could be best friends because I am pretty much obsessed with being organized (I'd love to know some of your greatest organizing projects!) I am so glad you are joining us. Welcome!

  2. Lindsay! This makes me happy! I didn't realize that Rachel sent this on to you. I know Rachel thinks SO highly of you, so I'm glad I finally get to "meet" you. =) For the record, Annelise talks about Brynna quite often when we chat. "Brynna - chase, funny, cutie". Frm the pictures - I can tell that's exactly what she is - Cute! Glad you've joined us!

  3. You guys are all so cute!! I think organization is one of those things I aim for, but I just never quite succeed. Just ask my husband...What are some of your tricks? or foundational planning routines? Oh, and it's good to meet you!
