Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hi, My Name Is Brittney...

...and I'm a mother.  A play at home mother of a beautiful, bouncing (quite literally) baby girl named Lucy, who, I'm happy to report, is STILL ALIVE!!!  We've managed to keep her alive for almost 7 months now (which is impressive considering that even my gold fish, whom I cared for quite vigilantly, only lasted 6.  7 is a new record!)  I promise I treat my daughter better than I did my fish.
I am the wife of the world's most handsome, charming, goofy and AMAZING husband, Jake.  How I even convinced him that I was worthy of him is still beyond me.  He's an Electrical Engineer at Hill Air Force Base, but works in a high security, top secret unit (I know right?  Totally cool.  Its like I live in a husband even has to be debriefed before leaving, and upon returning to the USA).  Ok, so that makes it sound a little more awesome than it is.  He works on programming for the F-16.  Even if he told me more than that, I probably wouldn't understand.  My Pediatric Nurse brain and his Engineer brain often don't understand each other.  Perhaps that's why we're so happy with one another, simply because neither of us has any idea what is going on.  I'm grateful for him.  He makes me laugh every single day and is truly the rock I lean on.
I'm super excited for this little challenge.  I know that throughout the church we're told not to engage in "virtual worlds" and to make our interaction with real people...BUT!  I know some of you, and I'm learning (already) from you all.  Sometimes we just need a little interaction! (Especially in a neighborhood where the average age is 50...its nice to chat with other young mothers!)  So anyway, I'm excited to get to know you all a little better and glean from your wisdom :-)

P.S.  I promise not to be so long winded every post.  :-)


  1. You killed off your gold fish? Brutal. Oh and I'm so glad we can be virtual friends now :)

    1. I know it! No wonder I was so worried to be a mom...I could save lives at work, but the fishies just couldn't make it!

  2. Ha ha mmmm love it! Your daughter is adorable! Wow life must be exciting with a secret agent...that's basically what your husband is right? Like a James Bond who works on F-16s? Awesome! Not to mention all the perks of having a connection to HAFB ;)

    1. He's EXACTLY like that...Jake...Jake Child ;-) I love the connection to HAFB! Its like a whole new world there! Nothing like living in London though!!!!

  3. Ha! I totally give myself props sometimes that Gavin is still growing/learning/thriving despite me. Miracles do happen! Although, I think YOU are instinctively a wonderful mother despite your goldfish history :)Thanks for joining us Britt and I too am glad that we can now be "virtual" friends!

  4. So is your husband in the Air Force, or just happens to work at an Air Force base as a secret agent? (This is me showing my ignorance in all things military, army, air force, etc - my Grandpa flew in the Air Force and would be really sad to know I'm this ignorant. I'm admitting though, that's the first step to recovery, right??)

    1. He's not a secret agent, he just works in a top secret environment because if word got out as to what they are developing to other countries, then the U.S. wouldn't be top notch. I refer to him as a secret agent though, because even I can't know what he really does. For all I know...he could be bowling everyday :-)

    2. And he's a civilian employee...we just get some military benefits.
