Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Scripture Friends

I love this painting by Liz Lemon Swindle.
 I love that it depicts this little guy in awe of Nephi. He is REAL to him, and don't they just look like friends? This is how I want my kids to feel about the scriptures. I want them to know stories and people better than they know cartoon characters. I want them to talk and ask questions about them. I want them to ask to read the scriptures.

In preparation for this, I need to know the stories and the people.  I need to talk and ask questions, and love to read.  I felt like I had a better grasp of this on my mission, but then spending 2 hours studying daily would do that.

 In case you are wondering, I don't have 2 hours a day to do that anymore.

Cody and I are pretty good at reading nightly. Discussing scriptures in depth or outside of reading is another story. I want to change this. I've been pondering whether mornings may be a better way to get a good discussion and reading in for us, rather than cramming it right before bed. I want to ponder and really pull things out of the scriptures that I can apply. Maybe studying by topic would be a good way to do that. To pick a topic a week (or longer, depending on how deep you want to go) and then dive in. I loved the examples they listed in the reading. What great ways to include children and to be more effective at studying the scriptures ourselves. 

I must say, I have felt the strong prompting to make sure we are keeping up with these things. I can't help but think it goes hand in hand with what President Packer said, "The older generation has been raised without them, but there is another generation growing up. The revelations will be opened to them as to no other in the history of the world. Into their hands now are placed the sticks of Joseph and of Judah. They will develop a gospel scholarship beyond that which their forebears could achieve. They will have the testimony that Jesus is the Christ and be competent to proclaim Him and to defend Him" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1982, p. 75; or Ensign, Nov. 1982, p. 53). 

Cody and I have to work so this happens in our home.  When my children have a strong foundation of the scriptures and of their Savior and are competent to proclaim and defend him, I will feel that I have done my job.


  1. I love that- I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately I feel like a lot of us tend to get into what I like to call the "check list mode" where reading the scriptures alone or as a family is just another item on our daily to-do list. I mean I love checking off an item on my list as much as the next person but reading the scriptures shouldn't included on that list. You have the right perspective. I love what you said about wanting your children to truly know the scriptures and to ask to read them together. I feel like that is the whole point of family scripture study- to instil in your children their own hunger for the power held within the scriptures, for them to develop their own testimony of the Savior. I think you're going to do a great job with that, I can just tell. I desire to have the same perspective and goal. Oh by the way, it is nice to meet you. And PS I love that picture! I haven't seen it before and I'm definitely going to have it hanging in my future home.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agreed. I think check list mode takes over quite often. And while, yes, it's good to read - you are right - it's not a "to do" that we should be relieved to check off. It should be a "want to do" and a "set aside special time" to do. Like taking a shower or eating. hahaha. I enjoy showering and eating and try really hard not to miss a day, and if I do, I'm genuinely sad about it. =)

  2. This was so great. I have the same hopes and I think you nailed it when you said it begins with us having our own knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. P.S. I also LOVE that picture. I most definitely want that for Gavin's room someday!

  3. I'm wondering HOW to instill this kind of deep love for the scriptures in myself? Not to say I don't love them - but I could love them on a deeper level, you know? Turn to them all the time, bring up verses with family and friends, etc. Any ideas?

  4. Thanks for the picture Jessie! I like it a lot. I agree that we cannot afford to raise our children without the scriptures. My family was not very consistent with reading scriptures. I hope to make a change for the next generation:)
    It is very easy for me to get in the check list mode as well. One thing that I have been focusing on lately is to really focus on strengthening my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus. Just like any other relationship, it takes effort to feel close and connected. I have noticed such a difference this last week as I really try and connect on an emotional and spiritual level while I pray. I have noticed this spill over into my scripture studying as well. It starts to feel less like a burden and more like peaceful time spent with my Heavenly Father. (However, I find myself getting easily distracted sometimes- especially with Bronson and Phil-- they are wonderful distractions). I have tried making reading the scriptures a priority. Even telling myself that I cannot check my email (or this blog) until I have read them helps motivate me. Sometimes it is just a matter of priorities for me. Do I care more about my email or about the scriptures? I am still a work in progress. . .

  5. Janel - Cody and I had the same conversation tonight. Do we turn the news on (indicating we have 30 minutes to see what is happening in the world), but only leave 10 minutes for studying the scriptures? I read an article in the Ensign or the New Era (can't remember which), but the main point was, you want the Lord to put you first, do you put Him first? The author talked about making the commitment to read the scriptures FIRST thing every morning. Get up, Pray, Read. Because of that article, I made that a habit for a while and it made such a difference... I have since stopped (distractions, distractions...), but would love to start it up again. Such a worthy use of those first minutes in the morning - to focus and get a grasp on the eternal perspective. Not only that, but showing the Lord that you literally DO put him first.
