Saturday, March 24, 2012

Intro to Rachel

Oh my goodness- I think I feel a swarm of butterflies fluttering inside my stomach (butterflies come in swarms right? A herd? A colony?) I feel giddy about having a new group of mums to interact with each week! Thank you Marisa for organizing this blog, I can always count on you to bring some muchly needed organization into my life.

Here is a little bit about me and my life as I know it.

I'm a mum. That pretty well sums it up. Lots of slobbery kisses, early morning feedings, tickle attacks, walks to the park, snuggle bugs, nursing breaks, and poopy diapers (all things your familiar with). I LOVE my life. I also love photography, travelling/sightseeing, pinterest, dark chocolate kit-kats, blog-stalking, debating controversial issues, and studying health related topics. My somewhat crazy and probably overly ambitious "wahoo I'm awesome" dream is to get my Ph.D. (What's 4 more years, right?) And I'm a Mormon (ha ha just kidding, it just kind of felt like I was making one of those Mormon messages, you know the ones... "I'm a acrobat...a doctor...and I'm a Mormon")

Three things you should know- first my biggest pet peeve is when people feed the ugly pigeons right in the middle of the walking path (NO ONE likes to walk through a swarm of smelly, dirty, germ ridden, rats with wings). Second I am a huge germ freak (didn't use to be, something about being a mum has brought out the OCD in me). And third I am the worst speller in the world (so please excuse any British style spelling, spell check went British on me when we moved here).

Enough about me- I was lucky enough to marry the coolest kid on the block. He is a football love'n, long days study'n, incredibly hard work'n, happiness give'n kind of guy who fills my life with so much love and excitement. He is currently a student at the London School of Economics where he is working his face off to get his Masters in Real Estate Economic and Finance. He's the smartest cookie I know. As I'm sure you've figured out, we are currently living in London.

My little puppet and I get to spend a lot of time together while dad is busy studying. Speaking of my little puppet, he is 7 months old but most people think he's much older because he is such a chunker! His name is Crosby and we are so happy he is in our lives.


  1. Ha ha ha! That was a hilarious intro. Loved it! So are the words "mum" and "puppet" on purpose (totally awesome if they are) or are those due to the British spell checker (totally awesome if it is!)? So glad you will be joining us, this is going to be great!

  2. I've been so curious to know why you're in London but was too shy to ask--like I should know if I were really your friend :) Excited to get to know you better through this. One of my high school regrets was not doing so then (seriously). Eat a chocolate covered digestive for me. Another one of my regrets--not eating more when I had the chance.

  3. LONDON!!! That's totally wicked?! Did you have the baby while you were there? That's totally awesome. I'm a little bit jealous...and a little bit not...but mostly jealous. And your little man is SO CUTE!!!!

  4. I'm with Brittney - I'm a bit jealous that you're in London! What an adventure. BUT again, knowing myself, I'd probably have a freak out with the details of living in another country. How fun for your family! It looks like you are making the most of it - seeing sites, etc. What fun! I'm excited to get to know you better!
