Thursday, April 19, 2012

Date Nights

Since part of our goal this week is to plan a fun date night out or in for this weekend I want to hear some of your most favorite dates that you have had with your husbands. I would love to hear maybe one that was a stay at home (we all probably do this a lot) and one where you actually went out.

Danny and I don't go OUT much but the dates I have enjoyed the most have usually had something to do with a good dessert and something active like hiking or riding Danny's brothers horse. I love doing and trying new things with my best friend. It makes for a great time!

One of my most favorite stay home dates that we did was after putting Gavin to bed we busted out all our extra sheets and blankets and made ourselves the coolest fort ever! We had the best time trying to figure out how to build it. We built it so it was set up facing the TV and when it was all built we got pillows and blankets and snuggled while we watched our wedding video (it had been a little over two years since watching it). We both had such a great time!

We have gotten really good at trying to come up with awesome stay at home dates since Gavin was born and so here are a few other ideas of things that we have done...
  • Colored a coloring book page together and talked
  • Played 3 short games (tic-tac-toe, PIG on our little b-ball hoop, and short game of UNO) and the one who won 2 out of the 3 games got to have the other give them a back massage. 
  • Watched funny videos on YouTube (Kid History episodes are winners!)
  • Had a picnic in our living room (complete with blanket and basket)
  • Pretended to go to a basketball game with fake tickets and arena food and then watched Hoosiers
  • Put  a puzzle together (haven't done this yet but going to some day) or get the cheap one dollar little ones and have a race to see who can finish theirs first.
I would love to hear some of the things you guys have done (totally need an idea for this weekend)! Yeah Friday is tomorrow so I better come up with something fast!


  1. A real fort!? That's awesome! A real mess. I commend you on your willingness to dirty the house for the sake of fun (wow flash back- I just remembered that time we stay home on a Friday night to scrub the floor of our apartment... How did you rope me into cleaning?!? We had so much fun belting out "always be my baby" while we danced around the floor with towels). I also like that you plan to do a puzzle together. That's be a great way to just sit and talk. Too bad I hate puzzles. Maybe I could talk Brock into coloring though. Our favorite date is a long walk. Doesn't matter where- we just love to walk and talk. We have the freedom to go on a lot of walks since Brock is in Grad school and often home during the day. I know this one is going to sound lame (let me preface it with the reminder that we are in a foreign country so a small bit of real American TV is a big deal) but we love to cuddle on our tiny couch every Friday night and watch "The Middle" and "Modern Family." we look forward to our shows every weekend. Sure it's not the most productive use of our time, but we love it and it helps us relax from a long week :)

  2. Jake and I LOVE puzzles. Its definitely our most popular stay-at-home date night during the winter time when we can't walk. We, like Rachel and Brock, love to walk in the evenings after dinner. Lucy is entertained because of everything there is to see outside, and Jake and I are blessed with time to just talk. Jake and I have a pretty standard date night every Friday. We make home-made pizza for dinner, and then take turns choosing what movie to watch. After a long week of craziness, its nice to just sit and snuggle on the couch (thank heavens for 7:00 bedtimes!)
