Monday, April 16, 2012

Family History and Love

I also, did not do my own post last week. I chose to not make it a priority. Better late than never, right?  Like many of you, I have struggled to be consistent with writing in my journal. Ironically, I have recently been reading the journal of my great grandma and grandpa. I have loved it mostly because it helps me realize how HUMAN they are. It is easy to think that my relatives were these perfect people that I need to live up to (I am a descendant of Parley P. Pratt).  I love reading about them and realizing that they did not become these wonderful people in a day. It took a lifetime of hard work and mistakes. Not that I want to use that as an excuse to not do my best, it just helps me be more accepting of the process. I think it is more motivating for me to write in my journal when I think of how it might benefit my posterity. Lately, I have been trying to write even just for 30 seconds each night. I have found that typing helps me be more consistent because can type much fast than I write. So my goal is to never give up with journaling. Even if I have a few days that I miss, to just start writing again. 

I loved the chapter on strengthening marriage. I am very grateful that I can be married to the love of my life, Phil. He really is my best friend. I also can say that I am grateful for all the times we have had to struggle to come closer together. I LOVED what Amber said about the only person we can control is us. It is so easy for me at times to want to point my finger at Phil and think (and sometimes say) “look at what you are not doing”. The funny thing is that when I am focusing on him so much, I am usually just distracting myself from my own glaring problems. I am glad that I have learned that lesson and that I get to keep working on it.

One of my goals this week is to try and be more proactive in giving my husband praise and validation throughout the day. I know how powerful just a little compliment or encouragement is in my life. I want to be able to build my husband up, not bring him down. In the past, I have sometimes found myself afraid to give too many compliments because I don’t want it to “go to his head”. That is unhealthy thinking—and another form of control. I do not need to wait until my husband “earns” a compliment. I can give them freely and sincerely.

Elder Lynn G. Robbins gave a fantastic article on agency and love in marriage. Love is truly a choice and takes conscious effort. One of my long-term goals is to really be able to develop charity for my husband and others. I am committed to love my husband with all my heart for the rest of my life. 

1 comment:

  1. I love what you said about being more proactive about giving your husband praise and validation. I think that is an area I can improve on. I think a lot of times I think it but I don't SAY it which really does no good at all. Thanks for your thoughts!
