Friday, April 13, 2012


I'm very sad to admit that I just barely read the lesson AND the goal for this week.  Needless to say, I haven't written even once!  I've thought about it several times, and then something always comes up.  Why does life always get in the way of recording life events??  Ha ha ha.

Journal writing use to be one of my favorite things.  I was consistent, I was detailed.  I currently have 18 filled journals, and yet I've been working on hitting 100 pages since November of last year (which is long for me, considering I use to be able to fill a journal in 2-3 months).  Something about a baby just throws me off...but I love her so!  Blogging has been a really good journal for me, at least of life events.  I'm grateful for that.  I know that keeping a journal helps me to sort through my thoughts.  When Lucy was born, I went through some pretty rough postpartum  depression, something I never thought I would go through (quite honestly, I always thought it was a made up excuse for not loving being a mom).  Boy was I ever wrong!  I found that in keeping a journal helped me discern between what I was feeling due to the depression and what I knew I was truly feeling underneath all those depressive feelings.  I'm so grateful that I now have record of those things and I can see how far I've come.

By way of family history things, I definitely need to do better.  My goal this year was to compile my grandparent's life histories, because neither are doing very well health wise (crappy motivation, yet motivation it is!).  Again, life gets in the way, but this lesson helped me to find a little more motivation!  Thanks Marisa for that little lesson boost!  I have been doing pretty well by way of our little family history. Like I mentioned before, I like to blog, and I decided that I'd keep a little scrapbook with the same pictures as the blog, but make them cuter than they would be if I just printed off the blog.  I'm proud to say that I'm 100 % caught up on THIS year's scrapbook, and 100% behind on both 2009 and 2011 (somehow I found motivation to do 2010?  What the heck?)  I just use online scrapbooking thing which lets you design your own pages, or use pre-designed pages, and you can add little stickers and things.  Still, they're pretty plain Jane, but they do the trick.  I found that doing it digitally was WAY easier for me because #1, all my pictures are digital anyway, #2 there isn't any mess other than my computer that I have to clean up #3 its an awesome way to save my pictures online and never have to worry about a fire destroying all my memories (yes, I'm the daughter of a fireman, I think about these things....) and #4 I can get them printed anytime I want to or have a little extra money for it.

Anyway, I'm grateful for histories.  I'm grateful for the ability to write, grateful that I can do it in the comfort of my own home and not huddled underneath a covered wagon like so many people before me. I'm grateful for the histories of my ancestors, and for the people that have compiled them.  What amazing people can before us!!!!!

Alas, the babe has much for my determination to write after I finished this huh??


  1. Well thanks to you Britt I checked out and I am working on a book for Gavin for his first year of life right now! You moved me to ACTION! Now this is my kind of scrapbooking! Thanks for the tip and your thoughts. You're a journaling inspiration!

  2. I don't know why it's relieving to me to know that you now struggle with journaling. Because I have so many vivid memories of your writing in your journals. I guess you're human too. Maybe. Excited to try out the online photo book!

  3. Great thoughts! I love that you keep a yearly scrapbook... and that it can be printed whenever you want. BRILLIANT! I feel this strong urge to make sure my kids know what happened while they were growing up, and this will be such a help! Thank you!!
