Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mewage is what brings us together...

 (I just had to use that quote from one of the best movies ever, Princess Bride)

I was in charge of Family Night last night and I decided it would be an awesome idea to have Danny and I read the lesson together and I am so glad we did! Danny always had such great insights and I love how he helps me learn and grow. 

I really loved and needed this lesson. I think it is a lot easier to feel like your marriage is just hunky dory when... 
  • the stress level in the home is low
  • you don't have any major decisions weighing on you
  • you aren't overly concerned about one thing or another 

etc., etc., etc. but for heavens sake how often does that happen!? We have to be able to have happy marriages amidst the trials and challenges because lets face it challenges are pretty much a constant in life. 

The idea that struck me the most and many of you have already commented on this is the fact that change has to happen with me. I am the queen of believing that I am 99.9% always right which means that I couldn't possibly be in the wrong! Noway. 

Obviously I am almost always wrong and probably the one responsible for any discord that may occur. I realized that if I want to have a good atmosphere in our home and between Danny and me then I need to be willing to step up and make the changes to myself. 

This week I am really going to work on looking to changing myself whenever I feel frustrated about something. I have the most wonderful husband! He has an incredible ability to change himself for the better. I am awed by it and his ability shines ever more brightly when compared with my stubbornness. I want to be more like my sweet husband. When things aren't going well, I want to immediately look to myself and what I need to change and then be willing to do it. 

It isn't going to be easy but I know that it will be worth the effort. 

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