Sunday, April 15, 2012

Do what I can

Speaking of family history... I've been busy with family visitors for the past 2 weeks (which explains my lack of input and comments). My head is filled with memories I need to write before I forget everything (it's only a matter of time...does anyone else have that problem? I swear my memory left when I got pregnant and it still hasn't returned). I'm going to be honest, I just skimmed through the lesson plan (at least I'm being honest).

Having modern technology makes the whole process easier with a blog and all. I've been recording a lot of stuff on my personal blog (and I plan on just printing the blog into a book ever year). My blog is has basically become my journal so good or bad at least I'm doing something (and I don't feel too overwhelmed by it).

I love all of your ideas. The few thoughts I had as I was reading through the lesson were-

1- I need to be better about writing faith building experiences and testimonies. I do an okay job at recording events but less so about what lessons I learned along the way. I guess that is easily added to my blog posts :)

2- I want to learn more about my parents. Last year I bought my mum a journal from Deseret Book with a bunch of questions about her childhood, youth, young married life, etc. I can't wait to read what she writes. I'm curious about what experiences have shaped my parents and made them who they are. I'm curious what trials they faced during their young married life. I'd love to learn more. I guess the best thing to do is ask questions. I've learned that my parents (and grandparents for that matter) are always willing to share stories from their lives.

3- I can't stress about all the things I'm not doing, rather I'll be happy about the things I am doing. Right now, my priority to be be a wife and mum. I want to be present in the precious moments happening right now.  It's a little stressful to write in my journal everyday (I tend to be a little long winded when I write so it ends up taking too long) so I've found that writing once a week is far more manageable.

Thanks for all your comments and ideas!


  1. I've been doing a personal blog too; it'll be fun to print those in addition to family blogs. And I can so relate with you about stressing over daily journal entries. And because of your #1 point I just went and wrote down my experience in primary today. So thanks for sharing.

  2. I love the idea of giving your parent's a journal filled with questions for them to answer about their lives. I definitely need to do that!
