Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happily Ever After

I've been thinking a lot about marriage this week, and how blessed I am that the Lord led me to Jake.  I don't think anyone in the world would fit me more perfectly than my Jake. He truly is my best friend. Just yesterday we were reading the lesson for the Marriage and Family Relations class Jake goes to each Sunday (no, I'm no boycotting it, I teach the Sunbeams :-)  Yes, I come home tired!) President Spencer W. Kimball, in this lesson, stated:

"Many of the TV screen shows and stories of fiction end with marriage: 'They lived happily ever after.' We have come to realize that the mere performance of a ceremony does not bring happiness and a successful marriage.  happiness does not come by pressing a button, as does the electric light; happiness is a state of mind and comes from within.  It must be earned.  It cannot be purchased with money.  It cannot be taken for nothing.  

"Some think of happiness as a glamorous life of ease, luxury, and constant thrills; but true marriage is based on a happiness which is more than that, one which comes from giving, service, sharing, sacrificing, and selfishness."

How true that statement truly is.  Jake and I are not exactly at a point in our marriage where we experience "ease, luxury and constant thrills" by the world's view...but I must say, I feel like we lead a pretty exciting life.  We have the opportunity to raise and watch grow a young special daughter of God, who brings so much laughter and light into our lives (though, I would by no means say she brings "ease" ;-)  Our luxury consists of folding chairs for our "dining room" table, a kitchen where I can reach the fridge, sink and high chair from my seat, and a less than 600 sq. ft. rented duplex. Our constant thrills consist of grueling games of UNO and Sequence, watching Lucy on the swing, and experiencing the joy of our garden growing.  And yet....we're happy.  I am grateful to be married to a man who gives EVERYTHING in all he does, who loves, sacrifices and is nearly 100% selfless. I've heard it said that men can either be a prince, or a toad, that there is no middle ground.  I do not believe it...really, in all honesty, I think I'm the toad in our relationship!  But I'm grateful to have a patient husband.  Our marriage is by no means perfect, but we're trying.

President Kimball went on to say that in marriage "success...depends upon two individuals...and the Lord."  I know that as Jake and I both give our all, even on days where we don't want to, that our marriage will be successful, happy, and eternal.  THANK HEAVENS FOR ETERNITY!!!!

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